Tuesday, January 9, 2018

An UpLIFTing Adventure? Part 2 -The Video, Un-Cut

Oh Okay remember yesterday? If you Are new to Our recent adventures And don't know what On earth, Am I  talking about... And YOU, really really want to know, Just click this link to go to yesterday.  Pretty amazing when you think about it, Only on Internet Land can we relive the past so vividly. Sometimes that's a great thing other times, not so much.

I don't want to spoil the ending, So I will say no more. Grab a nice warm, Comforting Beverage or a Refreshing, icey cold one, Depending on which Half of the equator you live on, And find out The answers To Nagging questions such as...
1. Were Anita's tears, tears of joy, Or tears of sadness? 
2. How much hair and my husband had back in the 1970s
3. Did Craig make it back home okay? 

Watch the video Below to find Out

Monday, January 8, 2018

An UpLIFTing Adventure?

If you're new to Walking Way Overrated, you might want to check out this video/ blog Post, to catch up on what's been happening to my poor husband Craig trying to get into our wheelchair accessible van.  On the other hand, If you've been hanging around WWO for a while, one of our dear friends who actually know our situation, meaning we've seen you face-to-face, looked each other straight in the eye, then you know what's been happening. Not saying that people online aren't friends, I think you know what I mean.

It is actually been a couple of weeks since Craig was able to run errands or use our van for whatever, because he has been stuck in our van two times in a week. We've had two technicians look at our wheelchair lift since then, and of course both times the list work pretty good. The conclusion from both were, possibly the remote control system. But that's all I'm going to say because I made a video sharing the exciting adventures that Craig has recently been on. Or has he?
Watch our newest video/vlog today-right below

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