Saturday, September 10, 2022

Vlog The Morning After Sleeping In My Wheelchair- Embarrassing Topics

Don't you just love this monarch butterfly on my thumbnail? This deserves it's own little blurb. A couple weeks ago I noticed them on her butterfly enjoying our zinnias. Then there was the time I almost got hit in the head by the hummingbird poking around our zinnias. Love it. This day I was observing the butterfly from our window, believing there was no way I would be able to take a picture of it. I decided to ask God to keep the butterfly there long enough so I can get outside with my camera and get a shot. Well the most amazing thing happened. I cannot lift my arms at all from where I sit in my wheelchair or at any time for that matter. So I took my little Canon PowerShot camera pointed up to where the majestic butterfly was sitting on the tallest zinnia flower. Not an easy shot because like I said, I cannot lift my arms and to mention I also can't see through the screen to even see what I'm shooting at. So I trust in God, guessed that I had it in frame and click. And the butterfly went and that was that. When I checked the viewfinder, I was thrilled to see it was the perfect shot. Nothing was blurry and even the composition seemed perfect. I am quite sure that God help me with that because, that butterfly on top of the Zinnia was far too high for where my camera could point to to get a decent side view of the butterfly. So all glory goes to God and I'm thinking him for a once in a lifetime shot that I get to enjoy and hopefully paint eventually.

Watch Below!

Last night we camped indoors, which for those of you who don't know me and Anita, that's me slept in my wheelchair. The problem with that is I don't usually get a lot of sleep. By the time I settle down, and close my eyes it's usually about three hours. I've realized that I think it's because I'm so used to having to go to bed when someone here has been pre-scheduled to come and help me into and out of bed, then having the freedom to move around at any time whenever I like. It's just too wonderful for me. So these are the only nights I get to live unfettered, and yes that's where the hyperactive part of my ADHD diagnosis seems to come in to play. I had to laugh when I thought, maybe that's why God allowed me to be in a wheelchair, because he knew I'd be all over the place if I was on my feet. I hope I remember to ask him that one day, these days I've been choosing basically, to sleep in my wheelchair about once a week. But the driving force behind it is having limited personal care attendants, and wanting to make sure that works out the best way possible. Plus I really like the idea that I get to choose as well.

Seating clinic for new wheelchairs

I believe that was mentioned in this video a little bit. If not they're somewhere else. But I am thrilled that I am entitled to a new wheelchair a year sooner than I originally thought. Our government provides 75% funding basically, every five years for things like power wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs. The funny thing is they don't cover very expensive wheelchair batteries. But we deal with it. Craig has a decent healthcare plan from his days as a letter carrier. What will be great about this is it has a power tilt along with a power recline and power foot rest that raise up and down. I will be sharing all I can and the blogs and that in case anyone else is interested and want it all is. Because I didn't know about it until after it was too late when I got my last year. Or I would have applied for that kind. It means that I would be able to sleep far more comfortably in my wheelchair. Even though I already sleep pretty decently. It will just be good because my hips and legs will be able to stretch out and the circulation can flow better. I have chronic lymphoedema which means my legs and feet and ankles have been swelled for a lot of years. Including the left side of my face and left arm. .. That's why I wear my wedding ring on my right hand.

I know I shared the last process about five years ago with you everyone here at walking railroaded. This time it won't just be my process by Craig's at the same time because he's going through a different vendor but is still seeking a new power assist wheelchair. Pretty exciting now we just gotta find the client portion of the funding which can get pretty expensive, but it's worth it. He actually has his power assist wheels that he bought without any government funding only about two years ago so he will just be getting a regular manual wheelchair and then they add rackets so he can use his emotion M25 wheels. That he loves so much. Makes life a lot easier when your shoulders are battling things like rotator cuff damage and osteoarthritis.

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