Friday, February 21, 2020

Just When I Needed It Most

It's been a while since posting anything here. Doesn't mean life hasn't been happening, it's full speed ahead. We hope everyone is doing well and for those in our climate, we hope you join with us in being thankful for the mildest weather that we can ever remember.
Snow and cold are not "friends" to our wheelchair tires! So it was great to not be restricted with minus twenty and thirty celsius temps. Our van lift hydraulics don't like to budge in frigid weather either. Who can blame it. Not that I ever leave the house, but my husband does all the super market shopping and all other adventures beyond our driveway. For some reason, staying indoor creating when I can, is what I do. Fatigue has been regular visitor these days, so when I am up for brain engagement, I tend to focus on my other blogs all about creativity and then my shop blog, hoping to sell my work to help recover my art supply addiction!

Yes, most creative types have an art supply addiction. Even if you don't touch them, you just see something really cool and then feel the sudden urge to "GET THAT!" Does that sound like you or anyone you know? Then there is the problem with being sure I don't hide the supplies away. Out of sight, out of mind. It really helps to inspire me, to be able to see what materials I have to spur my never quiet right brain.

Craig, has been faithfully working on his railroad painting. Squeezing that in, between shopping, volunteering, helping me out and everything else. But, he still isn't done. As soon as he is, you will see.

Recently I contacted one of my favourite ministries and I was blessed with a personal response from a lovely sister in Christ, who just also happens to have SMA type 3, like me! Struggling with disgouragement about trying to find and hire a new Care Attendant. As always, God provides the right person at the right time,  His perfect time. But being a
human, I get tempted to worry and all that fun stuff. Happy to receive her response and to meet a person living who could relate to my life, is a rare thing. I love How God allows these encounters just when we need them. So I thought I would share her story from the JAF website for anyone else who may be interested.

Meet Kathey, Click here.
And if you are in need of support encouragement and such check out Joni And Friends. Joni, as you know if you have read this blog, is one of the most inspiring people I have ever read about, watched in her own bio movie, documentaries and conferences. It must be so exciting to get to live in sunny California, no snow battles and to be able to be
a beacon of Sure Hope in God's ministry to persons living with disabilities. Be encouraged.

A verse on her story page was just what I needed reminding of. Right at this moment!  So awesome, how God does that!
[Pro 16:9 NLT] 9 We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.

Lord willing, my goal is to begin writing more on this blog like I originally intended to. Be it stories about life, videos about our adventures, experiences and such, I hope to be back soon. Thanks for stopping by.

Take care guys.

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