Sunday, August 7, 2022

A Sad Shock During Our Supper...

Imagine peacefully eating your dinner and you see a passing vehicle fly by in your pereferral vision. Along with an instantaneous house vibrating thud, as soon as the car's tail passes our van parked in our driveway. My husband and I look at eachother surprised. My instant reaction was oh know some kind of impact. Craig mentioned our Gian Tough Garbage can. Realizing how still the air was, we both flew out our rickety screen door. 
Sadly, there were about five people across from our house and the neighbour's, A shorter man in a red t-shirt was upset, yelling at the slicked backyounger tall man, dressed in  black simple garb.  Obviously the visibly upset man in red had been driving with his very upset  wife or mother. As she was crying, almost in hysterics at one point. Seeing the air bags all inflated spilled out filling the front of their vehicle and the extremely crumpled up drivers side, her tears and hi anger made perfect sense. It was obvious that the young man, whose car I caught in peripheral had been driving dangerously fast swerving toward oncoming traffic enough to have basically a head on collision.
Watch The Short Clip Here

My first instinct was to call 911, but initially I assumed the people involved and those near by must have   phoned already. But a rush in my head said, just call 911 right now. So I ran inside and dialled them. Telling the kind female voice about the accident in front of our house. What was so strange was after she asked if it looked like all bodies were out of the vehicle, I said I think so but suddenly My voice broke and tears started pouring down my cheeks. unable to  to talk with the operator.  Unable to communicate clearly, she asked me if I was alright. (Obviously she was confused because I was not in the accident). Asking what was wrong, I couldn't answer without breaking down more. I think she figure it out and within minutes the firetruck, and ambulance arrived. A tad embarrassed, I just felt the sadness and need to pray for those involved.

As a couple other neighbours came out to observe the scene in front of our house, I struggled with feeling like one of those staring at bad things kind of folks. Which was why It took so long to get our video phone to vlog about what happened. Wanting to respect people's privacy, I couldn't  film everyone including our heroes, so that's why it's just pass by and mostly my mug showing!

After living here for nineteen years, I have been home for about 3-4 two car crashes. Not ones I saw happen, just heard a horrific sound to discover the scene. This was the closest to seeing  the event. All because once again someone was was going way to fast or ignoring a stop sign. I confess something like this definitely activates  adrenaline and easy stirs up emotions. Thank You Lord, it appears that no one was severely hurt.


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