Friday, July 3, 2020

I Walk! And Just Vlogging Around Town: Canada Day, Community And Other Thoughts - Part #2

Hi guys! Alright, here is the grand finale of my exciting Walk And Talk. And remember what I said about walking!!! (It's in the video) For all of us who use wheels for legs, it is

Speaking of Canada Day,
here I am about 24 years ago
in Ottawa! My earlier walking days
totally cool to use the phrase or word WALK or Walking. For decades I have always used it in reference to myself or others who use wheels for legs and for years, to describe moving from one place to another. On occasion, there are folks who are uncomfortable using the "W" word to describe that motion when we use wheels for legs. They sometimes have even pointed out to me that I do not walk! I understand they mean well, (I think they do)  but it is very difficult to bite my tongue and not be sarcastic. "No way! You mean I can't walk!? That explains a lot!" See, hard to not be. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone.

So please know, if you use a wheelchair, it is way okay to say you are going for a walk or some such thing. If you are someone who is not in need of having to use wheels for legs and are worried about using the Walk word, it's okay to say it. Yes, there are a few of my peers who may insist on specifying that the wheeled or rolled or went for a cruise, etc. But in all my years, I haven't met any person who would be offended if you used the "W" word in reference to their movement.

Sorry for the wobbliness and the times my hand hit the camera mike. Other than that, please try to enjoy Part Two of my early morning Walk and Talk Vlog, Sight Seeing our neighbourhoodSORRY THE AUDIO IS SO LOUSY IN SOME PARTS...

Watch My Video Below -How It Ends!

Thanks for stopping by.
See you soon. Hope you get to go for a walk wheels or legs! If you know me, I mostly stay at home inside, creating(I am an artist.) So a walk is a big deal for me. But not in the old days!

Oh, and An update on Craig's new replacement power assist wheels status. We will receive a quote from the dealer Monday so we can pay the client portion before they can order the set. We decided to try the TWION brand by Alber. Craig says "Twion" sounds like Elmer Fudd talking (think Bugs Bunny). He is trying on or will TWION, the Twion wheels. "You Wasscally Wabbit, you!"

Have a great weekend~

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