Friday, April 22, 2016


Craig celebrated his 64th birthday this month. Not sure what to get him, I decided he might benefit from a hot wax bath device. It was easy to find one on in Canada. It may be dusted rose in colour, but pink doesn't make him any less masculine than he already is :o)
We made a short two part video in case anyone else is interested in these products. Not so he can have pretty fingernails but to provide relief to his poor, bent up fingers. Osteoarthritis has been wreaking havoc on Craig's well worn hands. Not only does using a wheelchair for thirty or so years crack and dry out his skin, but it means arthritis doesn't help when he still needs to use his hands to propel his legs.

Did the wax bath work? 
Watch Part one Below....
There is a Nummy surprise, keep your eye peeled.

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