Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A Covid World And Craig's Power Assist Wheels, Journey #2 Begins

Hi guys!  Recent times have left many many people, without the care that they usually receive. It's hard to believe that the entire world has been impacted by one microscopic virus! But it has! Many of us who live with physical challenges, dependant on the arms and legs of others, most definitely had to figure out (and still do), how to not sick but to also how to live life in our home knowing folks from the "outside" world would be coming in to give us a hand. It was tricky knowing the protective equipment like masks, gloves and sanitizers were unavailable. Thankfully, due my vulnerability and need to avoid chest infections, we already had basic protective equipment. A larger order of medical masks from Amazon took about 8 or 9 weeks! (Amazon sure has been making a killing during this pandemic!)

In our case, I had a challenging time trying to hire a new Personal Care Attendant over the past four months. Wow, four months! Hard to grasp our big blue marble basically hold for that long. As it slowly started to roll more, we were finally blessed with a wonderful new addition to my care team! Thank You God for her and for my solo Attendant who assisted me daily over these past months. More thankful than I can say!

As for my dear husband, Hard to believe it has been five years since Craig first received his power assist wheels. So I thought it would affect my husband being able to get a seating clinic appointment, in order to get set up for a new pair of Power assist wheels. Many of the clinics and companies that we would deal with as you may already assume, have been on reduced hours and such. Well, about two weeks ago after Craig inquiring about making a seating clinic appointment, they actually called to make an appointment! Craig was out doing his grocery shopping run at the time, so I got to take the message. The amazing thing was, or I like to say the miraculous thing was there was a cancellation and he was able to get an appointment within a week!
Even More Miraculous...
Even more miraculous, Craig came home from the grocery store that very same afternoon, showing me how his five year old power assist wheels were no longer. 
Check out the video below to learn more about it.

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