Saturday, June 6, 2020

Vlog: Under Quarantine . Campout Series - Sleeping In My Wheelchair, = Watching The Sun Rise

Hello World! Hope everyone is staying safe and taking protection seriously no matter how melancholy self quarantining can be. (For me, this is life as usual because I am an artist who loves working at home- but I have emphathized with the world, when we don't have a choice anymore. That's when I feel the
sadness and temptation to slip into self pity and the fear of getting the virus
Something that is new to us also, spurred on because of  this worldwide covid shift, yet,would have happened any way, to serve another purpose. When needed and even by choice, I can actually enjoy sleeping in my power tilt wheelchair. 

We have vlog/videos that we will be sharing over time. Today, I wanted to share the cool opportnity to go outside at 430am to start watching the sunrise. Due to being in bed, requiring a Personal Care Attendant, and needing to schedule key parts of my life, I do't get to do these kinds of things on a whim. Something that is just part of my life. But being pressed into trying our campout idea, I have discovered great freedom. Even if just once a week, it's so awesome to have that freedom. Yes bed is more comfy, but the trade off is worth it! We even got to go for a star gazing (too much light pollution) walk at 1am! I love it!
To see part one of my early morning sunrise watching adventure there's the v. But first....

Social Distancing Isn't New To Mary and Peter.....
It has definitely been a challenging time over these past months. Unprecedented times. We can all relate to each other to a big degree. The entire world faces self isolation to help stop the spread of Covid-19. . Some countries won't let you leave your home at all. Then there is our realm, we are not to have gatherings of more than five, six feet a part. Ever watch the movie "Five Feet Apart"? Interesting all this happens world wide and this pretty good movie, about how persons living with Cystic Fibrosis can't be physically closer than five feet away from each other. Social distancing for patients with CF, is something they were very familiar with. I don't pretend to know everything but I do know, thanks to a favourite YT Channel called "Frey Life." I highly recommend meeting this amazing couple, Peter and Mary Frey. They share their very real life. As a young married couple living in America. Mary bravely lives life to the fullest with cystic fibrosis and her beloved husband Peter serves God as a Pastor, supportive husband. These guys know how to enjoy life no matter what obstacles arise. Take a look at Mary's art work, they also have a website. When you have cystic fibrosis, you are more susceptible to catching illnesses/infections from fellow cf patients. My disability is also something you are born with, as is cystic fibrosis. But, I can catch illnesses from anyone equally. 

Why CF patients are unable to be physically close to each other is  beyond my understanding 
If you want to be encouraged and learn about real marriage and life with CF, 
Frey Life - Watch:

Campout Sunrise Vlog Video part 1: with 
Campout Sunrise Vlog Video part 2: Anita 

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